Friday, August 14, 2009

Girl, 5, Eating herself to death

"An obese five-year-old Indian girl suffering from a suspected hormonal imbalance is eating herself to death, doctors fear.

Suman Khatun eats over 10kg of rice, 24 eggs, six litres of milk and 5kg of potatoes in one week — and even asks her neighbours for food.

The girl, who weighs 75kg and is 1m tall, is believed to have a malfunctioning pituitary gland. Her family is too poor to travel to Calcutta for treatment.

"We can not feed ourselves or our other two children, let alone ourselves ... when she is not fed she cries, shouts, screams and has even thrown rocks at us," her mother, Belly Bibi, said."

- By The Ninemsn Stuff

Tara: I Don't understand why they don't just stop giving her food, I know she throws rocks, but there is something called will power.

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